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DIY Household Puppets


The beginning of everyday at 10 our group have a team meeting to discuss our aims for the day. During this meeting Constance does a quick exercise with us by making puppets out of random house hold items and animating them. This is helping us adapt to the situation we're currently in and understand how easy a puppet is to make from any item you have laying around as well as helping us learn how to animate these puppets in practice for our outcome. Day 1 - A hair brush with paper eyes and lips (This was on short notice so it wasn't very impressive and I forgot to take a photo) Day2 - Wally the Walrus Not comfortable just yet to post him talking (white acrylic paint bottle, paper, tape, blue tack and sharpie)

Day 3 - Steve the meerkat (Empty soap bottle, Masking tape, Blue tack and sharpie) I really like the movement of the head which I was able to give his head very similar to that of a meerkat. My feedback was that I need to start giving my characters voices which match their appearances and personality.

Day 4 - Piranha (Nutcracker and blue tack) I like the movement of the nutcracker however I don't think this was a very creative idea. Our plan was to try and stick to mammals which is also something I didn't do on this particular puppet.

Day 5 - Georgina the Giraffe Shampoo bottle, blue tack, cotton bud and sharpie. My feed back for this puppet is to really focus on the distinctive features of that animal and exaggerate it.

Day 6 - Stan the mafia Hippo Plastic egg holder with masking tape and sharpie detail.

Today I tried to exaggerate the traits that make a hippo a hippo - I did this by focusing on its larger teeth and the opening of the mouth. Day 7 - Morty the Mouse, Mouse. Today I made a mouse from a mouse however I didn't think it through fully as he didn't have a feature which I could move to make him speak by despite this I managed to create a character by moving his whole body, ears and tail.


©2020 by Isabel Carter Puppetry 2020. Proudly created with

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